Saturday, December 24, 2005

Last Night I met somebody

Nopes. Whoa!! Wait!!

The writer in me made me want to make the title a bit dramatic otherwise it was not anything like what you think. We all meet people in the course of our lives. But each one makes a different impression on us. Some make us angry and make us boil and some we like and warm up to. I met her yesterday first time. I am sure it will be my last time too. But then that is life. In life we meet people and we respond to each other. How we respond depends on the chemistry of the mind driven by the occasion of the meeting, time of meeting, the environment, the general gathering, the immediate company, the weather, the venue, the day behind us and so many other factors. What I saw was impressive as she exuded spontaneity, friendliness, equality, intelligence--- a totally good Human Being - a multi faceted personality.

Well it was indeed a lovely night to make new friends, with the nip in the air and the festive season being on.

That is all about what it was. And she did survive us (in her own words!!) Amen!!

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